Thursday, July 7, 2011

LB#7: IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity.

To define higher level thinking skills and creativity, we may adopt a framework that is a helpful synthesis of many models and definitions on the subject matter. The framework is not exhaustive but a helpful guide for the teacher's effort to understand the learner's higher learning process.

Thinking Skills                                                              Sub-Skills 
Focusing                                                             defining the problem, goal/objective-setting, brainstorming
Information                                                         selection, recording of data of information
Remembering                                                     associating, relating new data with old
Analyzing                                                            identifying idea constructs, patterns
Generating                                                          deducting, inducting, elaborating
Organizing                                                          classifying, relating
Imagining                                                            visualizing, predicting
Designing                                                            planning, formulating
Integration                                                          summarizing, abstracting
Evaluating                                                           setting criteria, testing idea, verifying outcomes, revising

Use your creative skills in designing a paradigm. Device a graph to illustrate the higher-level thinking skill.

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