Thursday, July 7, 2011

LB#16: The Internet and Education.

The Internet, also simply called the Net, is the largest and far-flung network system-of-all-systems. Everything in the Internet is coordinated through standardized protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The vast sea of information now in the Internet, including news and trivia, is an overwhelming challenge to those who wish to navigate it.
Today schools are gearing up to take advantage of Internet access, where they can plug into the library of congress, make virtual visits to famous museums in the world, write to celebrities, and even send questions to heads of states.
Educational software materials have also developed both in sophistication and appeal. There is now a wider choice from rote arithmetic or grammar lessons to discovery and innovation projects. But the real possibility today is connecting with the world outside homes, classrooms, and Internet cafes.

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